In our fast paced world filled with turmoil and strife, our disconnecting technology, it is important to take a step back and reflect on what is really important in life. Who and what matters most? Most people would answer those questions with one It is within our families that we are able to find the strength and support to make it through our difficult times and help solve the problems of our everyday lives. It is within our families that are we learn to love, to fight, to respect, compassion, empathy, and so much more that primes us for what has yet to come. And of course family is not always blood. Families, regardless of what shape or form they may come in, are filled with people who accept you for who you are, flaws and all, and still want you in their lives. People who love you no matter what. People with whom no matter how wrong, or annoying or prideful you may be, have a relationship with you that is build with love and respect and joy. Now as I...