It's that time of year again. First you graduate and then there is the moment all teenage girls look forward to since the moment they first step foot through those high school doors. Prom. From the dress, to the shoes, to the hair and the limo, every detail was thought out and planned. But what do you do with all of it afterwards? Especially the dress. I know my prom dress has spent years sitting in my parents closet and I have not worn that dress since. Same goes for all my sisters dresses as well. Come to think of it, between four daughters, my parents closet looks as if they are starting their own clothing ball gown clothing store. I wish that Rock the Dress photography was around when I was graduating high school. I would have had something else to do with my dress and some funky photos ta boot! These sessions are sometimes also known as trash the dress session, how trashed you want the dress to get is totally up to you. In all honestly I have done these sessions with bride...